Seni Cup
Seni Cup International Football League for the Disabled is a series of football games in which disabled residents of social welfare homes participate. Teams are made up of women and men of all ages but what unites them all is love to football.

Seni Cup is the only event of this type in the world
Every year, teams from many European countries take part in this event. It is a unique opportunity to develop their passion for sports, fulfill their dreams, as well as to get their mind off a sad daily routine. The goals scored during Seni Cup will make them feel like professional players and inspire them to go even further.
Seni Cup International Football League for the Disabled begins with begins with qualifying tournaments taking place in 10 different countries in parallel: Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. The winners of the qualifying tournaments come to Toruń at the beginning of July to take part in the League Final Tournament.
Each participant in the Seni Cup (at the qualification and final stage), despite the place in the group and the number of goals scored, receives a commemorative medal and prize, and the team - a cup and the ball necessary for further training.
Thanks to such initiatives, more and more people perceive sport as an excellent form of therapy, which not only contributes to the development of physical prowess, but also teaches perseverance, coping with difficult situations and team cooperation. Sport is a strong motivation for further work, as well as for overcoming their own weaknesses and meeting challenges in other areas of life.
Seni Cup also integrates disabled people with the rest of society. As part of the Grand Inauguration of the Final in Toruń, artistic events are organized every year that attract not only Seni Cup participants, but also city residents. This is a great opportunity to see that people with intellectual disabilities are not so different.
Seni Cup International Football League for the Disabled shows that on the football field we are all the same - we are all equally happy about the successes and we also feel the bitterness of failure.